Monday, August 30, 2010

Jesus e-mailed Me!

Jesus mailed the other day from a domain in Nigeria asking for cash to buy an airline ticket to the states to visit ... ME! All I had to do was send him my bank account number and routing information and he'd do the rest, 'cause that's the kind of guy he is. He even promised to repay me when he got here and TEN-FOL:D in heaven. What a  guy! Well, it so happens that I had received another email from none other than the son of the former president of Nigeria just the day before. He was trying to find a way to get $20 million US out of Nigeria before the current corrupt regime, his words, seized the funds. He said he prayed for days until my name came to him. I immediately forwarded his email to Jesus. The president's son can just give the cash to Jesus and we're all set. I'm so going to heaven for this one!