Blog that you're trapped in a burning building and it won't be discovered until a week after your charred lifeless body is found in the cinders, at which point some ass will post how dumb you were not to have tweeted your distress call instead. This post will be read by millions the instant it's posted. Likewise, any honest assessment of meddling in-laws or casual comments about annoying relatives to close friends over secure networks will magically find their way into vast social networks - copied, forwarded and posted everywhere at speeds that would frighten Chuck Yeager.
The new communication tool, the social web, unlike the phone, not only keeps a copy of your ramblings for all unintended to see, but bestows upon the series of ones and zeros - life, allowing it to multiply and evolve in milliseconds. And like many offspring, a life that will eventually turn on the parent. The internet has become a dangerous vehicle that can careen off a cliff with the slightest turn on the wheel or in the case of texting, tweeting and emailing, a misplaced comma or emoticon.
Slightly more dangerous with longer lasting effects would be under-aged internet use, as dangerous as the adult use with the added peril of attached photos. You can't get 'em back. They just become forever young-you, multiplying faster the hotter or more embarrassing they are. You're left with the futile option of changing your name and moving far away, which doesn't work cause the internet is everywhere and some nerd with specialized, I never got out to play ball skills will find you, cause you did get out, played ball and had a life and he or she hates you because of it.
And so, like other vehicles, should operating the internet vehicle while under the influence of mind altering substances be outlawed?
NO! We need the entertainment and some of those photos! Yes I'm posting while drunk. Oooo, maybe a nice name for a blog!
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