A Hindu relative, let's call him Bob, 'cause his real name is a tongue twister, asked me why I'm a Christian. So, I told him, "I'm not. I'm a George, 'cause my parents named me that just like my friend, who is named Christian, is a Christian 'cause his parent's named him that, but we call him Chris. fused for second then turned real annoyed like and sarcastically said, "NO. Why are you of the Christian faith, you idiot?" "Well smart ass" I responded "'Cause unlike other saviors, Jesus has a sense of humor, man. When he comes back, I'm so gonna ask him to help me play a joke on my friend Christine, ('cause that's what her parents named her, OK). And he's so gonna do it. I'm gonna ask Jesus to appear to her right away and tell her, 'Ya know, Mary, Joseph and I hate you. We never really liked you!' and then just disappear. Then he's gonna head on down to the sewerage and water board and turn all the tap water into wine. And we're all gonna hit the tap with Jesus and laugh and I mean all of us at once 'cause he's Jesus and can be everywhere at once like Santa Claus. And Jesus will down a glass and say, 'Oh man you should have seen the look on Christine's face'. Then the next morning Jesus is gonna visit Christine really early and say "JC, JK!' And Christine will look all confused and frightened by him appearing like that in her shower and just stammer a bit. And Jesus will repeat it then add, 'JC, Jesus Christ, JK, just kidding' and they'll both laugh real hard until Christine's eye starts twitching and then she starts crying and he'll get all uncomfortable and leave. Then we'll all wake up later with wine headaches except Jesus 'cause he's like Jesus and still in total party mode. And we'll all say 'please Jesus enough with the singing already man'. Then we'll all think, 'WOW. It's so great there's a toilet next to the shower when we turn it on and more red wine come out and we can smell it'. That, Bob, is Why I'm a Christian. Can your god do THAT!?" To which he just nodded to say NO and walked quickly away glancing at me over his shoulder like I might follow him or something.
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